2018 Trade Wars Infographic

Trade Machines
Trade Machines, 2018
Poziom: początkujący
Temat: globalization
Formularz: Infografika
Link: http://trademachines.com/info/tradewars/
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

This infographic gives a summary of the 2018 Trade Wars. This simple overview is suitable for those without a strong political or economic background. The infographic explains briefly basic concepts related to trade and provides a short timeline of events. Furthermore, it checks the arguments by the Trump administration to launch the trade war in spite of facts and estimates of how the 2018 trade war can affect the global and North-American economy.

Comment from our editors:

It covers the basic concepts of tariffs and protectionism vs free trade in an attempt to display the motivations behind and impact of real-world economics and international trade policies. To get more context on free trade in economic theories, which is only vaguely covered in this infographic, we highly recommend reading this foundational text on free trade.

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